Due to the complexity of our simulations and the expertise required for effective facilitation, we do not offer them as standalone products. Instead, they are exclusively available as part of our comprehensive two-day workshops.
Participation in our workshops provides valuable benefits for all levels of your organization, from senior leadership to the frontline workforce. The most effective workshops feature a diverse group of participants, representing a cross-section of your organization. It is important to include all key departments that can impact reliability, either directly or indirectly, as well as different organizational levels. Approximately two-thirds of the participants should be frontline operations and maintenance staff, along with their team leaders. The remaining participants can be from senior leadership and other critical roles.
Our workshops span two full days, featuring extensive hands-on gameplay that occupies the majority of the time. The engaging nature of the workshop ensures that the time flies by!
Each workshop can accommodate up to 24 participants, divided between four gameboards. While the starting conditions for each gameboard are identical, each team will adopt a unique approach to improvement. This variety of solutions enhances the learning experience. Each gameboard involves three distinct roles, with one or two individuals filling each role.
An Action Team is a small, cross-functional group that works on a defect elimination project focused on bottom-line results in a short period of time (typically 60-90 days) that requires no capital expenditure (typically < $5,000).
Given the size of the gameboards, we require a rectangular room that measures at least 40 feet wide by at least 30 feet deep with no significant obstructions.
The room must be available the afternoon/evening before the workshop as well as the full 2 days of the workshop, including overnight, as materials are left in place.
4 foot X 5 foot rectangular tables are required to accommodate the gameboards. This is typically achieved by placing two 5 foot, 6 foot (preferred) or 8 foot tables side by side.
Our other requirements are very basic – chairs for participants and facilitators, an LCD projector, screen and power cords.
The venue can be on-site or off-site, with on-site typically being less expensive and more convenient, but off-site providing fewer distractions to the participants.
It is in fact a board game, complete with poker chips, dice and fake money! The face-to-face rather than face-to-screen aspect of the workshop supports the goals of building a shared vision and creating strong ties between the participants.
Absolutely! Everyone in the organization can benefit from participating in the workshop. In fact, our workshops provide an excellent opportunity for support personnel to gain valuable insight into the challenges faced in the field. We’ve had great success with participants from procurement, stores, finance, marketing, human resources, janitorial services, catering and more.
by Winston P. Ledet, Winston J. Ledet and Sherri M. Abshire
by Winston P. Ledet, Michelle L. Henley, and Sherri M. Abshire